About the Course
Dive into Detective work as we solve mysteries to improve our reading comprehension skills. Using mystery novels, games, and scavenger hunts these children will enhance their ability to become super sleuths! Reading strategies such as visualizing, summarizing, expressing the main idea, answering questions, and inference will be targeted through multisensory language instruction. Children will be encouraged to answer higher order thinking questions. Written expression will also be woven into programming using the Writing Revolution. This program will be led by a speech-language pathologist.
This camp will be offered 2 different weeks during the summer. Children are welcome to come to both weeks as activities will vary, while still learning the same concepts.
$400.00 for 1 week or $700.00 when you sign up for both weeks!
This camp will be offered the following weeks:
Week of June 26th
Week of July 24th
Monday-Friday 12:30-300
Please register for summer group programming at the link listed below. The fees and dates for each camp are also listed below. Camp registration is not considered complete until payment is submitted. The fee for camp includes holding your child’s placement, snacks, workbooks, and all lesson plan materials. The therapist leading the camp will provide a weekly summary via email regarding skills targeted and ideas for home connection. Please keep in mind, we cannot bill insurance for group programming. Camps are subject to be canceled if minimum enrollment is not met. This decision will be made at the end of May. All payments will be 100% refunded if canceled.